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Writer's picture Virginie Glaenzer

Challenge Your Beliefs and Let Your Voice Be Heard

Embracing a Scientific Approach to Life with a new Podcast series "Pass the Mic"

Last weekend, I visited one of my daughters who is in her third year studying Political Science at a lovely school overlooking the Hudson River just a few hours from Manhattan. I asked her about her first impressions of the new semester’s classes.

She was excited to share that she is learning new concepts and forming beliefs in Philosophy, Anthropology, and Human rights classes. While discovering ways of looking at the world around her, her views are being expanded and edited.

I thought for a moment, then asked: “When you adopt a new belief, what happens if you later find information that contradicts this belief?”

I was blown away by her unusual response.

Embracing a Scientific Approach to Life

While I expected an answer suggesting one must always be opened-minded because life is constantly changing, she instead suggested an unconventional approach: She’s taking a physics class!

By learning the scientific principles of physics, she is also learning that science is built on hypotheses that must be repeatedly and consistently proven. Over time, a hypothesis might be replaced when new findings show the previous hypothesis to be flawed. Hence, she will take a scientific approach to life, defining her beliefs as hypotheses until there are new theories to change them.

In today’s digital world, filled with data and algorithms to measure and predict every possible transaction, this conversation with my daughter reminded me of the value in framing our viewpoints as hypotheses.

Data does not provide us with definitive answers. It gives us an opportunity to test and to evaluate. It provides us with a framework that is more sophisticated and insightful than ever before.

However, for us to truly add value to the data that we are creating, we must maintain a fluid mindset to support the evolution of every hypothesis.

Pass The Mic: A New Podcast to Combat Segregation of Thought

In light of many polarized views and a new social phenomenon we, at AcornOak, refer to as “Segregation of Thought,” we’ve decided to apply a science-based approach to challenge our assumptions.

With this in mind, we are launching a rather unusual podcast series called Pass the Mic. During these monthly podcasts, we will facilitate an intellectual discussion group that uncovers new concepts and insights that can be applied in your personal and professional lives.

Each episode begins with one expert - an open-minded and passionate individual who has spent a great deal of time investigating and researching a certain topic. Instead of making it a one-way presentation, however, we give other experts and practitioners an opportunity to express their own unique viewpoints to transform it into a thought-filled, synergistic conversation. To make Pass the Mic accessible to all and encourage broad participation, gatherings will be held virtually via video-conference.

We believe in the power of many voices and we invite anyone, experts or practitioners with curiosity and uncertain beliefs to join our lively discussions where they will learn from the shared insights of others. These dialogs will bring a varied group of people together to explore and to simplify complex and sometimes controversial concepts.

Schedule of Events

Our calendar of events can be found here.

Our first, groundbreaking discussion will be led by Jonathan Cook, a researcher and consultant who specializes in using immersive methods to uncover and explore deep cultural patterns. He will lead a discussion on the meaning of rituals, the role of ritual experiences in commercial culture, and the impact for digital marketers.

Link here to register and see our upcoming schedule of discussions. Feel free to email us with your topic or speaker suggestions. We cannot wait to hear your thoughts as we Pass the Mic.


The podcast is available on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify, Speaker and Soundcloud.

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